Leading Your Life
We all know how important goals can be in our
lives, so we invite you to think about some of the things that you
would truly like to accomplish going forward. Hopefully, this will
help you get (and stay) more focused on the things that are most
important to you.
Part One: Take a few minutes and think
about your answers to the following three questions. Don't limit
your thinking or responses; answer truthfull.
- What kind of person do I want to be (or continue
to become)? (Think about all aspects of your life.)
- What is really important to me? (Be honest
- and realistic.)
- What would I like to have? (Whether it's a
better relationship with a teenager, a new Ferrari, or a more
exciting job - be candid once again.)
Part Two: After answering these, please go back and try to identify
the most important responses (no more than 3) for each question.
Are you sure about them? Change them if you are not.
Do you notice any relationships or connections
among your answers? Are certain items at odds with each other,
or is there some congruence? Think about it. You do not need to
change your answers, but you do need to be aware if some of your
desires are in conflict with others.
Part Three: Now you are ready to answer the final question:
What must I do to make my wants and desires
become real? (Make these actions visible, challenging and achievable.)
Part Four: When you have identified the things you must do,
don't forget to find some ways to keep yourself committed. Tell
them to a friend, loved one or colleague. Turn them into a screen
saver so they are always in front of you. Frequently assess your
progress. But most important of all - continue to review and reflect
on your answers to questions 1 - 3. You must always keep in mind
what you are hoping to accomplish by the things you are doing.
Good luck and best wishes for a great new year.
Click here for last month's lesson: Learning
from Experience
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