Update on Generation X
Below are a couple pieces of current research
about the so-called generation X.
A. In a study commissioned by Deloitte
& Touche,
- 95% of generation X employees described their
ideal work environment as stable; 77% said clearly structured.
- 75% believe that mentors are very important
for career growth; only 57% currently have a mentor.
- Job satisfaction among this group is directly
related to their ability to grow and learn on the job.
For more information, contact Deloitte
& Touche.
B. In a Public Allies Survey, young adults were asked who they
most admired as role models of leadership.
There answers:
- 44% responded family member
- 26% teacher or coach
- 11% community leader
In our own ongoing research at ILA, we have found
similar results, with family members being the most frequently cited
Key Points:
What are some of the conclusions you might reach
about strategies to meet the needs and expectations of your younger
associates? Clearly traditional business or political leaders are
not influential as people much closer to them. Couple that information
with their strong desire for mentors (again a close, personal relationship)
and you might begin to see a trend emerging. Younger people may
in fact view leadership effectiveness by their closeness and connection
with the leader, rather than the overall popularity or positional
status of the leader. Think about the relationship that you are
developing with your generation X people, and whether it is consistent
with these findings!
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your Life
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