Leadership Challenge® Workshop: It's more important than ever!
The "challenging" work of leaders is to attract and engage talented people, invest in and coach their development and unlease them to innovate and solve tough problems. This is the only path to sustainable organizational growth and success. For over 20 years, Kouzes and Posner's Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®, the most scientifically researched model available, has been the most recognized standard and definition of what leaders must do:
- Model the Way
- Inspire a Shared Vision
- Challenge the Process
- Enable Others to Act
- Encourage the Heart
Organizational success and vitality will likely be elusive this year, given the dicey economic climate. Strong associate performance is essential. Your top performers will be looking to see if a focus on talent development remains or is lost in another round of cost cutting. If you have previously used The Leadership Challenge® Workshop (TLCW) to increase the supply and skill of your leaders, or if you have a new interest, we urge you to consider International Leadership Associates' 3-day public offerings in your leadership development initiative.
The dates are April 22-24 and October 21-23 at Joy Outdoor Education Center near Cincinnati, Ohio. If you have too many associates to send to a public workshop, we can bring the workshop to a location of your choosing.
Linking workshop insights and new behaviors back to the workplace is the ultimate goal, so real personal growth occurs and organizational results really improve. New this year is a web-based linkage process called Friday5s® which keeps the workshop graduates focused on their goals and connected to their learning communtiry for 10 weeks after the workshop event. Friday5s® will greatly enhance TLCW's transformative potential.
Call or email us for more information, answers to your questions, or to register yourself or your associates for a workshop. Accept the challenge to leave your world better than you found it this year!
Lead on!!
are a couple of immediate ways to learn more about The Leadership
Challenge® Workshop. Just click on each one for more:
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